161. Explain the concept of prototype in JavaScript.
162. What is the window.requestAnimationFrame() method used for?
163. How do you create a simple URL shortener using JavaScript?
164. Explain how to use async functions for handling asynchronous code.
165. What are the differences between push() and pop() methods in arrays?
166. How do you create a simple user authentication system using JavaScript?
167. What is the purpose of the navigator.geolocation API?
168. How do you implement a simple feedback form using JavaScript?
169. Explain the differences between Object.keys() and Object.entries().
170. What are the implications of using var for variable declaration?
171. How do you create a simple form validation using JavaScript?
172. What is the Object.create() method, and how is it used?
173. How do you implement a simple image upload functionality using JavaScript?
174. Explain how to create a simple event calendar using JavaScript.
175. What are the differences between Object.assign() and spread syntax?
176. How do you implement a simple multi-step form using JavaScript?
177. What is the purpose of the window.localStorage API?
178. How do you create a simple data visualization using JavaScript and D3.js?
179. Explain the concept of function hoisting in JavaScript.
180. How do you implement a simple audio player using JavaScript?
181. What is the purpose of the navigator.deviceMemory property?
182. How do you create a simple word counter using JavaScript?
183. Explain how to implement a simple file uploader using the File API.
184. What are the differences between bind() and call() methods?
185. How do you create a simple content management system using JavaScript?
186. What is the purpose of the window.matchMedia() method?
187. How do you implement a simple search functionality in a web application?
188. Explain the differences between null and undefined in JavaScript.
189. What is the purpose of the navigator.languages property?
190. How do you implement a simple image gallery using JavaScript?
191. Explain how to use the window.performance API for performance metrics.
192. What are the differences between slice() and splice() methods?
193. How do you create a simple currency converter using JavaScript?
194. What is the purpose of the window.scroll() method?
195. How do you implement a simple modal dialog using JavaScript?
196. Explain how to create a simple time zone converter using JavaScript.
197. What are the benefits of using strict mode in JavaScript?
198. How do you create a simple drag-and-drop file upload interface?
199. What is the purpose of the navigator.clipboard API?
200. How do you implement a simple text animation effect using JavaScript?