81. What are the differences between call() and apply() methods?
82. How do you create a custom event emitter in JavaScript?
83. Explain the use of setImmediate() in JavaScript.
84. What are the implications of using global variables in JavaScript?
85. How do you create a simple encryption and decryption utility in JavaScript?
86. Explain the purpose of the performance.mark() and performance.measure() methods.
87. How do you create a simple autocomplete input using JavaScript?
88. What are the advantages of using ES6 modules over traditional script tags?
89. Explain how to implement a custom logger in JavaScript.
90. What are the differences between synchronous and asynchronous APIs?
91. How do you create a custom JSON serializer and deserializer?
92. What is the purpose of the navigator object in JavaScript?
93. How do you implement server-side rendering with Node.js and JavaScript?
94. What is the WebRTC API, and how is it used for real-time communication?
95. Explain how to handle file uploads in JavaScript using the File API.
96. What is the purpose of the navigator.geolocation API?
97. How do you implement a simple URL shortener using JavaScript?
98. Explain the concept of shadow DOM and its use cases.
99. How do you create a simple drag-and-drop interface using the HTML5 Drag and Drop API?
100. What is the Web Storage API, and how is it used for storing data?
101. How do you implement a custom middleware in a Node.js application?
102. What are the advantages of using a front-end framework like React or Vue.js?
103. Explain how to implement a simple pagination system in JavaScript.
104. What is the purpose of the Array.prototype.every() method?
105. How do you create a simple breadcrumb navigation using JavaScript?
106. What are the differences between == and === in JavaScript?
107. How do you implement a simple tooltip using JavaScript?
108. What is the WeakMap and how does it differ from Map?
109. Explain the concept of function currying in JavaScript.
110. How do you use Object.keys(), Object.values(), and Object.entries()?
111. What is the purpose of the instanceof operator in JavaScript?
112. How do you create a custom dropdown menu using JavaScript?
113. What are the benefits of using async/await for asynchronous programming?
114. Explain how to implement a simple chat application using WebSockets.
115. How do you create a basic web server using Node.js?
116. What is the Promise.race() method, and how is it used?
117. How do you implement a simple search algorithm in JavaScript?
118. What are the differences between const, let, and var in JavaScript?
119. Explain how to create a simple logging library in JavaScript.
120. What is the purpose of the document object in the DOM?