41. What is a transaction in SQL?
42. How do you begin a transaction?
43. What is the purpose of COMMIT and ROLLBACK?
44. What is a stored procedure?
45. How do you create a stored procedure in SQL?
46. What is a trigger in SQL?
47. How do you create a trigger?
48. What is the purpose of constraints in SQL?
49. What are the different types of constraints?
50. What is the difference between NULL and NOT NULL?
51. What does the AUTO_INCREMENT attribute do?
52. How do you change the structure of an existing table?
53. What is the purpose of the ALTER command?
54. How do you drop a table in SQL?
55. What is a SQL injection?
56. How can you prevent SQL injection attacks?
57. What is the purpose of the EXPLAIN command in SQL?
58. How do you optimize SQL queries for performance?
59. What is a data type in SQL?
60. What are the common data types in SQL?
61. What is a timestamp in SQL?
62. Explain the difference between CHAR and VARCHAR.
63. What is the purpose of the CAST function?
64. How do you convert data types in SQL?
65. What is the difference between a clustered and a non-clustered index?
66. How do you find duplicate records in a table?
67. What is the purpose of the COALESCE function?
68. How does the CASE statement work in SQL?
69. What is a concatenation in SQL?
70. How do you concatenate strings in SQL?
71. What is a SQL command prompt?
72. How do you execute a SQL query from a command line?
73. What is a database management system (DBMS)?
74. Explain the purpose of a SQL client.
75. What are the advantages of using SQL?
76. How do you connect to a database using SQL?
77. What is a connection string?
78. How do you handle errors in SQL?
79. What are transactions in SQL, and why are they important?
80. How do you implement error handling in SQL?