81. Create an algorithm to find the shortest path in an unweighted graph.
82. Implement a function that finds the total number of distinct elements in a list.
83. Write a program that searches for the longest increasing subsequence in a binary tree.
84. Create a function to check if a string contains a valid number.
85. Implement an algorithm to search for the longest valid substring of parentheses.
86. Write a program that finds the smallest missing positive integer from an array.
87. Create a function that finds the intersection of two arrays using hash tables.
88. Implement a program to search for the first and last occurrence of a number in a rotated array.
89. Write a function that counts the number of unique characters in a string.
90. Create an algorithm to find the longest subsequence of consecutive elements.
91. Implement a function that searches for the largest palindrome in a string.
92. Write a program to check if a number is an Armstrong number using searching algorithms.
93. Create a function that finds the longest repeating substring in a given string.
94. Implement an algorithm to search for the smallest prime number greater than a given number.
95. Write a program that finds the longest sequence of consecutive integers in an array.
96. Create a function that checks if a list is a palindrome using two-pointer technique.
97. Implement a program to search for the maximum product of two numbers in an array.
98. Write a function that counts the number of vowels and consonants in a string.
99. Create an algorithm to find the maximum depth of a binary tree.
100. Implement a function that checks if a sequence can be formed from a given string.
101. Write a program that searches for a specific pattern in a grid of characters.
102. Create a function that finds the longest substring without repeating characters.
103. Implement an algorithm to search for a value in a sorted list using binary search.
104. Write a program that finds the sum of all even Fibonacci numbers.
105. Create a function that checks if two strings are one edit distance apart.
106. Implement a program that searches for the longest substring with at most two distinct characters.
107. Write a function to find the maximum sum of k consecutive elements in an array.
108. Create an algorithm that counts how many times each element appears in a list.
109. Implement a function that checks if a binary tree is a valid binary search tree.
110. Write a program to search for the longest path from the root to a leaf in a binary tree.
111. Create a function that finds the total number of unique characters in two strings.
112. Implement an algorithm to search for the first repeating character in a string.
113. Write a program that finds the largest common divisor of two numbers.
114. Create a function that checks if a string contains valid parentheses using a stack.
115. Implement a program to search for the maximum frequency of an element in an array.
116. Write a function that finds the number of times a substring appears in a string.
117. Create an algorithm to find the longest subsequence of elements that are not consecutive.
118. Implement a function that checks if a list is sorted in ascending order.
119. Write a program to search for the longest consecutive sequence of characters in a string.
120. Create a function that counts how many times a specific character appears in a string.