81. Create a hash map to store the mapping of colors to their hexadecimal values.
82. Write a program to determine if a given array can be partitioned into two subsets with equal sum using hashing.
83. Implement a function to find the maximum sum of a subarray using a hash map for tracking sums.
84. Create a hash table to store user IDs and their corresponding email addresses.
85. Write a program to check if a string contains all the digits from 0 to 9 using hashing.
86. Implement a function to find all subsets of a given set using hashing.
87. Create a hash map to track the frequency of each word in a given text.
88. Write a program to determine the minimum number of characters to delete to make two strings anagrams using hashing.
89. Implement a function to find the longest prefix which is also a suffix in a string using hashing.
90. Create a hash set to keep track of unique items purchased by a customer.
91. Write a program to find the total count of distinct elements in a list of lists using hashing.
92. Implement a function to check if a string is a valid shuffle of two other strings using hashing.
93. Create a hash table to store timestamps and their corresponding events.
94. Write a program to find all pairs in an array that have a difference of k using hashing.
95. Implement a function to count the number of ways to form a specific sum using an array of integers and hashing.
96. Create a hash map to store user roles and permissions.
97. Write a program to check if a string contains only unique characters, ignoring case, using hashing.
98. Implement a function to find the longest substring that is a palindrome using hashing.
99. Create a hash set to track the visited nodes in a tree traversal.
100. Write a program to find the maximum product of three numbers in an array using hashing.
101. Implement a function to check if two strings are rotations of each other using a hash map.
102. Create a hash table to store book titles and their corresponding authors.
103. Write a program to count the number of times each character appears in a string using hashing.
104. Implement a function to find all substrings of a string that are palindromes using hashing.
105. Create a hash map to store the number of clicks on different advertisements.
106. Write a program to check if a string can be formed from characters of another string using hashing.
107. Implement a function to find the first k unique characters in a string using hashing.
108. Create a hash table to store user feedback and retrieve it by user ID.
109. Write a program to find the longest substring of digits in a given string using hashing.
110. Implement a function to find the maximum frequency of any word in a paragraph using hashing.
111. Create a hash map to track the number of shares for different articles.
112. Write a program to find the common elements between three arrays using hashing.
113. Implement a function to check if a string can be broken into words from a dictionary using hashing.
114. Create a hash table to store task IDs and their statuses.
115. Write a program to find the smallest substring that contains all characters of a given string using hashing.
116. Implement a function to find the longest substring that contains at most one repeating character using hashing.
117. Create a hash set to keep track of unique email addresses.
118. Write a program to count the number of triangles that can be formed from an array of lengths using hashing.
119. Implement a function to check if a string is a valid anagram of another using hashing.
120. Create a hash table to store the mapping of product IDs to product details.