81. How do Custom Media Queries (@custom-media) enable reusable media query definitions?
82. What is the @container rule, and how does it enhance responsive layouts at a component level?
83. How do you create performant CSS animations for large-scale web applications?
84. How do CSS scroll snap points work to create snap-aligned scrolling containers?
85. How do CSS Grid areas simplify grid layout placement and flexibility?
86. What is the forced-colors media query, and how does it handle high-contrast modes for accessibility?
87. What is CSS will-change property, and when should you avoid its use?
88. How does CSS Houdini's Layout API allow developers to build custom layouts?
89. How do CSS background blending modes differ from mix-blend-mode, and when would you use each?
90. How do CSS text wrapping properties, like overflow-wrap, prevent content overflow in narrow containers?
91. What is CSS object-fit, and how does it control the scaling of replaced elements like images?
92. How does CSS object-position interact with object-fit for precise image placement?
93. What are the differences between fixed, sticky, absolute, and relative positioning?
94. What are CSS polyfills, and how can you use them to support older browsers?
95. What is the CSS :not() pseudo-class, and how can you use it to apply complex conditional styling?
96. How does CSS multi-column layout compare to CSS Grid for creating multi-column layouts?
97. How does the CSS :only-child pseudo-class target specific elements in a container?
98. What is the CSS @supports rule, and how does it enable feature detection in stylesheets?
99. What are the differences between inline-block and block display modes?
100. How do CSS named colors differ from hex, rgb, and hsl color values in terms of usability?
101. How can you create complex shapes like triangles and diamonds using only CSS borders?
102. What are CSS mixins, and how do they enable reusable styles across different classes or elements?
103. What is the CSS :target pseudo-class, and how can it trigger style changes when a link is clicked?
104. How does CSS pointer-events control mouse events, and what are its use cases?
105. What is CSS :root selector, and how does it help manage global CSS variables?
106. How do CSS variable scoping rules differ between elements, components, and global styles?
107. How do you optimize performance for CSS transitions with translate and opacity?
108. How does CSS motion optimize for smoother animations?
109. What are CSS grid fractional units (fr), and how do they distribute space in a grid layout?
110. How does CSS @media prefers-reduced-motion detect user preferences for animation?
111. How does CSS clamp() create responsive padding and margin values for flexible layouts?
112. How do CSS forced colors interact with media queries to provide improved accessibility?
113. How do CSS container queries enable more granular responsive designs?
114. How does CSS accent-color simplify theming for form controls?
115. What is CSS overscroll behavior, and how does it prevent bounce and scroll chaining?
116. What is the CSS :checked pseudo-class, and how does it work with input elements?
117. How does CSS color contrast affect accessibility and usability in dark mode themes?
118. What is the CSS :nth-last-child() pseudo-class, and how does it select elements from the end of a list?
119. How does the CSS :hover pseudo-class differ in behavior across browsers and devices?
120. What is CSS box-shadow, and how can you use it to create depth and elevation effects?