1. What is the purpose of the virtual keyword in C++?
2. How do you create a pure virtual function?
3. Explain the concept of multiple inheritance in C++.
4. What are the diamond problem and how can it be resolved?
5. What is the override keyword in C++?
6. How do you use final in inheritance?
7. What are lambda expressions and how are they different from regular functions?
8. Explain how std::shared_ptr works in C++.
9. What is std::weak_ptr and when would you use it?
10. How do you implement a thread-safe singleton in C++?
11. What is a move constructor and how does it differ from a copy constructor?
12. Explain the concept of rvalue references.
13. How do you implement a move assignment operator?
14. What are std::initializer_list and its use cases?
15. How do you create a thread in C++11?
16. What is the difference between std::thread and std::async?
17. What is the purpose of std::mutex in C++?
18. How do you implement a critical section using mutexes?
19. Explain the concept of condition variables in C++.
20. How do you implement a producer-consumer problem in C++?
21. What is the role of the std::atomic library?
22. Explain the use of std::unique_lock in C++.
23. How do you implement a simple observer pattern in C++?
24. What is a smart pointer and how does it differ from a regular pointer?
25. How do you implement function templates with variable argument lists?
26. What are variadic templates and their use cases?
27. Explain the concept of SFINAE (Substitution Failure Is Not An Error).
28. How do you use std::enable_if in C++?
29. What is type traits and how can it be used?
30. How do you create a basic type-safe enum in C++?
31. Explain the purpose of the explicit keyword in C++.
32. How do you use the friend keyword in function templates?
33. What are type erasure and its applications in C++?
34. How do you implement an interface in C++?
35. What is the purpose of std::optional in C++?
36. How do you implement a basic linked list using templates?
37. What are the different types of iterators in C++?
38. How do you implement custom iterators for a class?
39. What is the std::for_each algorithm and how is it used?
40. How do you perform binary search using std::lower_bound?