1: What is the class APX, and how does it relate to approximability in optimization problems?
2: How do approximation-preserving reductions work in complexity theory?
3: What is the significance of self-reducibility in NP-complete problems?
4: How do fixed-parameter tractability and kernelization relate to complexity classes?
5: What is the role of W-hierarchy in parameterized complexity theory?
6: How do you define a problem as fixed-parameter tractable (FPT)?
7: What is the significance of kernelization in parameterized complexity?
8: How do approximation algorithms handle NP-hard problems in TOC?
9: What is the importance of gap problems in complexity theory?
10: How does the class AM (Arthur-Merlin) extend interactive proofs?
C is a general-purpose programming language that is widely used for system programming and application development.
C++ is a high-level programming language that supports object-oriented, procedural, and generic programming paradigms.
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